William "Bill" Gaines
William "Bill" Gaines
Sport(s): Men's Basketball
Years at HCJC/TVCC: 1964-66

More than 40 years later, Gaines, who died earlier this decade, is still the most prolific scorer in Cardinal basketball history.  Averaging more than 30 points a game, he helped the Cardinals to their first conference championship in 1965 scoring catalyst, the Cardinals captured their first conference championship

  He became the conference’s all-time leading scorer with a month left in the 1965 season. He scored 1,110 points in his two-year Cardinal career. He rarely scored less than 20 points.
  Gaines went on to play at East Texas State University (now Texas A&M-Commerce) and was captain in the 1967-68 season. During that season, he led the conference in scoring and set a school record with a 25.1 scoring average. He was twice named all-conference and was inducted into the college’s hall of fame in 2007.
  He was a 15th round draft selection in the NBA by the San  Diego Rockets. He also played with the Houston Mavericks in the ABA.